Shrimping BJJ Step By Step: How to Shrimp?

Shrimping BJJ is one of the primary and essential moves in Brazilian jiu-jitsu. The BJJ shrimp is an excellent movement to manage distance and perform escapes. Indeed, it may help in applying submissions and sweeps correctly.

This article will teach you how to shrimp using several methods for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu improvement, among other things. Stay tuned!

What Does Shrimping Mean in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu?

bjj shrimp

Shrimping is one of the traditional moves that is frequently used in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu fights. Developing the BJJ practitioner’s hip movement could be a perfect exercise.

Historically, the BJJ shrimp exercise was initially extracted from Judo martial art (called ‘Ebi’ in Japanese terms).

How to Shrimp in BJJ? 

jiu jitsu shrimping

Every BJJ martial artist knows the importance of the jiu-jitsu shrimping move. Otherwise, the shrimping BJJ is the perfect exercise to move your hips (hip escape BJJ …), as you know that the hips movements are the key to mastering many basic jiu-jitsu techniques and principles. 

Indeed, the proper movement of the hips is critical for BJJ distance management, therefore escaping wrong positions, applying submissions, and sweeping your opponent. However, how to shrimp in Brazilian jiu-jitsu?  

Here is a list of shrimping BJJ moves setup variations to improve hip mobility when playing the bottom game in jiu-jitsu.

Have fun discovering alternative ways to shrimp in this instructional BJJ video by Stephan Kesting.

Source: Stephan Kesting

Related: Jiu-jitsu is a very effective grappling combat sport with several benefits. Click here to find out more!

How to Do the 2-Legged Shrimp in Jiu-Jitsu?

Two-legged shrimping is the foremost essential BJJ move that all beginners start with. Indeed, throughout this exercise, the new jiu-jitsu practitioner learns how to coordinate the feet, hips, and shoulders to move the body smoothly across the mat.

 Here is how to shrimp BJJ using the two-legged method?

  1. Start from the position where your back is flat on the mat, with your feet straight and your hands up.
  2. Move slightly on one side.
  3. Bring both feet up to your butt.
  4. Lift your hips off the bottom and move your hips back towards your head while moving your body forward.
  5. Lean up your body out and repeat on the opposite side.

In the setup above, you can use just one of your legs to demonstrate the one-legged shrimp analogous to the two-legged shrimp method.

Although, it applies to different situations, such as escaping from the mount or side-control where one leg posts on the ground and the other tries to re-establish the guard, for example.

Source: Stephan Kesting

How to Perform the Sideways Shrimping?

The sideways shrimping jiu-jitsu method looks like those wriggling out of side control. So here are the necessary steps to take the sideways shrimping exercise.

  1. Start on your side with your hands up near your face.
  2. Swing your feet and shoulders back, and with your hips, push forward.
  3. Put all your weight on your shoulders and feet, then move your hips backward.
  4. Stay an equivalent side and repeat.

 How to Perform the Forward Shrimping?

Source: Renzo Gracie Ramapo Valley New Jersey

The forward shrimping is an excellent jujitsu move where you progress down towards your feet.

Indeed, it is a beneficial shrimping technique when trying to escape the north-south position, arm locks, close the space together with your opponent, and fare more.

Here is how to perform the forward shrimping in BJJ?

  1. First, start from where your back is flat on the mat, your legs straight, and your hands up.
  2. Then, Roll to at least one side and crunch your shoulders toward your waist. Make sure that your weight should now get on your heels and one shoulder.
  3. Switch on your shoulder and pull together with your heels to maneuver your body towards your feet.
  4.  Extend your legs, roll to the opposite side, and repeat.

How to Perform the Reverse Shrimping BJJ?

Reverse shrimping is an authoritarian BJJ movement that is mostly neglected in the jiu-jitsu teaching process.

Nevertheless, the reverse shrimp position could be an advanced move that you may not find in regular warm-up drills

The reverse shrimping BJJ technique is going to help you find out the way to armbar, sweep from challenging positions, and otherwise improve your Brazilian jiu-jitsu position while grappling.

Check out this awesome video for more on how to do the reverse shrimping technique.

Source: Otomi Martial Arts | Caio Terra Association

How to Perform the BJJ Bridge and Shrimp?

Shrimping alone could not help you solve your BJJ problem in most situations. Thus, you need to combine the jiu-jitsu shrimp with other moves, such as the BJJ Bridge

Otherwise, the bridge is one of the foremost powerful moves that help create space within your opponent.

Thus, the bridge and shrimp drill combines two important movements (legs shrimping and legs bridging). Here is how to do the BJJ Bridge and Shrimp movements. 

  1. Start flat on your back together with your legs extended.
  2. Bring your feet to your butt, the balls of your feet on the ground, and therefore the heels elevated.
  3. Bridge your hips up high, still on the balls of your feet.
  4. Turn sideways in mid-air and perform a two-legged shrimping movement.
  5. Straighten out your body and repeat the move. 

Shrimping BJJ Mistakes

As mentioned above, BJJ shrimping helps you escape wrong positions and attacks … by closing or creating distances within your opponent. However, the shrimp exercise could struggle your moves if you do it poorly

Therefore, you must pay attention to this common Brazilian jujitsu shrimping mistakes and problems. Here are some crucial jiu-jitsu shrimping mistakes.

  • Turning to the side where you install your Leg may be the most common shrimp mistake BJJ beginners make. 
  • Keep your body flat on the jujitsu mat when performing the shrimping variations. As a result, this fact prevents you from doing the BJJ Shrimp fast and efficiently.

Here is a powerful BJJ instructional video for more details about the shrimping problems by Coach Stephan Kesting.

Source: Stephan Kesting


Shrimping BJJ and hip movements are the basic steps to execute well. Therefore, you can escape some bad positions in jiu-jitsu and defend against any opponent’s attacks. As a result, you level up your Brazilian jujitsu martial arts.

Although the shrimp technique is mainly combined with other essential BJJ moves, such as the bridge …. Have fun watching this jujitsu drills video.

Source: fightTIPS

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Related: Drills will aid in developing your BJJ technique, timing, reflexes, and execution. I wrote an article about the best BJJ Drills to incorporate into your daily training regimen. Click here to read more!

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