IBJJF Points System (All You Need to Know!)

Scoring more points than the opponent is one of the most effective strategies for winning a match in the various IBJJF tournaments (points win 60% of BJJ bouts). So, as a wise competitor, you should comprehend the IBJJF points system and how to apply it to win a Brazilian jiu-jitsu match.

The IBJJF Points System is employed for scoring in some Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu competitions. This system grants points based on particular positions and techniques achieved during a match. For example, takedowns, sweeps, and knee-on-belly each receive 2 points, while guard passes are worth 3 points, and dominant positions like mount and back control earn 4 points.

This article outlines the IBJJF jiu-jitsu scoring system to help you thrive in competitions. As a result, it examines the points earned for attaining various BJJ positions, among other things. Have fun!

IBJJF Points System

The IBJJF points system gives participants points and decides the winner if there is no submission.

For example, in an IBJJF jiu-jitsu competition, the referee will award points for specific transitions or positions, such as the mount, knee on belly, back control, etc.

Here are the scoring positions, movements, and points granted.

Dominant Position or TechniquesScored Points
Back mount / Back control4
Full Mount4
Guard Passing3
Source: Jiu Jitsu X

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IBJJF Advantage Points

A fighter can get an advantage during an IBJJF bout in many situations.

For example, an unfinished guard passing, submission, or transition to a position of prospective points scoring, such as the mount or back control, among other things, gives the attacker an advantage.

IBJJF Disadvantage Points

During an IBJJF competition, a BJJ competitor may be penalized for making specified errors, such as:

  • Inserting four fingers into your opponent’s gi sleeves or trousers.
  • Being in a jiu-jitsu position that is passive for more than 10 seconds.
  • Delaying tactics and not participating in the game, such as standing.

Recommended: Grasp the IBJJF rules and regulations to avoid disqualification and gain a competitive advantage by becoming familiar with legal and illegal IBJJF submission techniques. Learn more by clicking here!


IBJJF Scoring System

The BJJ scoring system educates competitors on the points awarded for particular positions and motions in tournaments. The IBJJF awards points for the following positions/movements:

  • Takedown: 2 points.
  • Sweep: 2 points.
  • Knee on Belly: 2 points.
  • Guard pass: 3 points.
  • Mount position: 4 points
  • Back mount / back control: 4 points.

In numerous Brazilian jiu-jitsu tournaments, points have helped referees determine the winner in almost 60% of bouts.

So, Concentrating on scoring more points than your opponent is an effective tool to win numerous matches in competitions.

Related: Discover the best IBJJF Gi and No-Gi competitions, Click here!

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are the IBJJF Takedown Points?

A successful takedown earns a contestant two points in an IBJJF BJJ bout. However, the attacker must maintain dominance for three seconds following the takedown to score.

From a standing position, a takedown occurs when one player takes his opponent down to the mat.

What Are the Knee on Belly IBJJF Points?

A competitor will get two points for successful knee-on-belly control. But, the competitor should hold the position for three seconds, and their other knee must be off the mat.

Knee-on-belly occurs when a fighter rests their knee or shin on their opponent’s chest, ribs, or belly while the opponent is on their back or side.

What Are IBJJF Sweep Points?

A successful sweep technique is worth two points in the IBJJF tournament mat. However, the competitor must hold the new position for three seconds to score points.

A BJJ sweep occurs when the bottom player arrives to reverse his opponent while at the closed guard, butterfly guard, half-guard, and other jiu-jitsu guard types.

How Many Points Is a Guard Pass in an IBJJF Match?

A competitor will get three points in IBJJF for a successful guard pass. However, the competitor should hold the new position (usually side control) for three seconds to score points.

A guard pass occurs when the top competitor overcomes the legs of the bottom guard player to reach side control or a north-south position and control the new position for three seconds.

What Are IBJJF Mount Points?

A competitor gets four points in IBJJF for successfully mounting his opponent and holding him for three seconds.

The BJJ mount occurs when the top player sits on the opponent’s torso and faces his head.

What Are IBJJF Back Control Points?

An IBJJF competitor gets four points for a successful back control position and holds his opponent for three seconds.

Back control occurs when a back athlete controls their opponent’s back with their legs and feet between their opponent’s thighs while trapping at least one of their opponent’s arms.

What Are IBJJF Side Control Points?

There are no awarded points for the side control in the different Gi and No-Gi IBJJF tournaments.

Related: To succeed, you need to know the IBJJF belt requirements and graduation system. This will help you set realistic goals and work your way up the ranks of this grappling art. Click here to learn more!

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