Jiu-Jitsu Helped Me Regain Control of My Health

“I thought my health was sliding away, but Jiu-Jitsu helped me take it back.”

Hi Carlos, this is how Jiu-Jitsu helped me recover my health from years of letting it slide.

My health started to deteriorate when I reached the middle of forty-years.

Though years of negligence caught up with me, I had always been generally healthy.

My energy was at an all-time low, I was weighting more, and even basic chores like climbing stairs left me exhausted.

That struck me strongly as my doctor cautioned me about pre-diabetes and high blood pressure.

“It’s easy to let things slip when you’re busy with life; but, at some point your body reminds you that it needs care.”

Though I would strive to improve—join a gym, eat better—nothing seemed to stick.

Every time I began something, I would give up after a few weeks.

Though I was sick of feeling bad, I lacked the drive to stick to a regimen.

One day, a friend of mine who taught Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu advised I visit a class.

He claimed it was a terrific approach to keep intellectually active as well as to get in shape.

I honestly wasn’t sure if I could keep up, but I reasoned I had nothing to lose.

“Sometimes it takes reaching a low point to realize that change is no more optional; it is required.”

My first class turned out to be difficult. I stumbled to keep up, felt out of shape, and had no idea what I was doing.

Still, something about Jiu-Jitsu drew me in despite all else.

Working out was only one aspect; it was also about learning, pushing myself past my comfort zone.

“The best part of Jiu-Jitsu is that it’s about progress, not perfection—it doesn’t care how out of shape you are.”

Weeks passed, and I began to see little changes.

I was feeling better mentally as well as becoming physically stronger.

My stress dropped, I had more energy, and for the first time in years I felt as though I was in charge of my health.

“Change occurs when you start valuing the advancement along the way instead of only the final outcome.”

Jiu-Jitsu evolved from a training session into a way of life.

I began to focus more on my diet, how I treated my body, and stress management techniques.

I was turning up for me rather than only for class.

“Your health is about investing in yourself and making little, consistent changes—not only about exercise.”

About two years later, I find myself in the best shape I have been in since my thirtys.

My blood pressure is normal, I’ve lost weight, and I feel stronger both physically and psychologically.

Jiu-Jitsu provided the discipline and drive I required to bring my health back under control.

“It’s never too late to turn your health around—you just have to find the correct road.”

I can’t suggest Jiu-Jitsu enough if your health is suffering as mine was.

It’s about finding balance between mind, body, and spirit, not only about becoming fit.

“One step starts the path to better health; occasionally that step is onto the mats.”

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