How Long Does It Take to Get a Stripe in BJJ? (Solved!)

Practitioners can earn many jiu-jitsu colored belts, including white, blue, purple, brown, and black. In addition to belts, they can make four stripes on each belt level to demonstrate their success and keep them motivated over a long training period. So, how long does it take to get a stripe in BJJ?

Brazilian jiu-jitsu students can earn a stripe on their colored belt level within three to six months of training. Obtaining a stripe bar in BJJ depends on various factors, including how you improve your technical skills, training consistency, competition presence, and so on.

Continue reading to learn more about stripes in Brazilian jiu-jitsu as this essay proceeds. Look for further information!

What Does a Stripe Mean in Jiu-Jitsu?

how long does it take to get a stripe in bjj

While teaching the art of Brazilian jiu-jitsu, instructors use stripes to show the degree of improvement. For example, a youth or adult student may gain up to four stripes on his colored belt from white to brown.

A more significant number of stripes implies a higher BJJ proficiency. Thus, a four-stripe white belt is theoretically superior to a one-stripe white belt, and so on for the remaining ranks.

Stripes are an excellent technique to distinguish between dedicated and diligent pupils and those who are lazy and uncommitted to their BJJ practice.

Otherwise, these small achievements are essential in motivating students and providing them with specific, attainable goals for improvement on the mat.

Related: Brazilian jiu-jitsu black belt white bar vs red bar vs blue bar? Learn about the importance, criteria, and distinctions of these two black belt types. Click here to read more!

How Long Does It Take to Get a Stripe in BJJ?

Students of Brazilian jiu-jitsu, children and adults, may obtain a stripe bar on their colored belts within three to six months after starting their training program.

However, consistent practitioners may earn stripes in less time than lazy practitioners.

How Many Stripes on a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Belt?

Brazilian jiu-jitsu allows children and adults to earn up to four stripes on their colored belts.

As you may know, each BJJ belt rank contains five levels, including a clear belt and four stripes, except for the black belt and other highest ranks.

Brazilian jiu-jitsu children (15 and under) can receive colored belts to measure their development, such as white, grey, yellow, orange, and green.

On the other hand, adults (over 16) can earn colored belts to measure their growth, such as white, blue, purple, brown, black, etc.

How Do Practitioners Get Stripes in Jiu-Jitsu?

Brazilian jiu-jitsu may earn stripes based on several criteria, such as time on the mat, accumulated technical skills, constancy in training, behavior, competition performance, etc.

However, the achievement criteria for stripes may vary from one Brazilian jiu-jitsu school to another. For example, some schools only give stripes to students at lower belt levels, while others provide stripes to students at every rank level.

Do White Belts Earn Stripes in BJJ?

The white belt is the first rank in the Brazilian jiu-jitsu ranking system. It has five competency levels, including a clear white belt and four stripes.

White belts can acquire stripes based on their training development and overall technical proficiency within three to six months.

Do Blue Belts Earn Stripes in Jiu-Jitsu?

how long does it take to get a stripe in bjj

Blue belt is the second level in the Brazilian jiu-jitsu ranking system. Like the white belt, this jiu-jitsu rank includes five proficiency grades, a clear blue belt, and four stripes.

Blue belts can earn stripes in three to six months based on their training improvement and overall technical skill.

Do Purple Belts Earn Stripes in BJJ?

Purple belt is the third rank in the jiu-jitsu ranking system. Like the white and blue belts, this BJJ rank includes five degrees of proficiency, a clear purple belt and four stripes.

Purple belts can earn stripes in three to six months based on their training improvement and overall technical skill.

Do Brown Belts Earn Stripes in Jiu-Jitsu?

Brown belt is fourth in the Brazilian jiu-jitsu ranking system. Like the lower-colored belts, this BJJ rank includes five degrees of proficiency, a clear brown belt, and four stripes.

Brown belts may earn stripes in three to six months, depending on their training improvement and overall technical competency.

Final Thoughts

Brazilian jiu-jitsu practitioners may progress through the ranks by earning different jiu-jitsu colored belts, including white, blue, purple, brown, and black.

Otherwise, practitioners may earn up to four belt stripes to demonstrate their progress and keep them motivated throughout training.

We’ve learned a lot about the stripes levels in Brazilian jiu-jitsu in this article; here’s a brief overview of everything we’ve studied:

  • Brazilian jiu-jitsu stripes are a way to reward good learners within the same rank. It indicates a student’s small achievement and progression in training BJJ. 
  • Each belt rank, from white to brown, has five proficiency levels, including a clear belt and four stripes. 
  • Students may expect to earn a stripe bar on their colored belts within three to six months of consistent training.
  • BJJ stripes are earned based on criteria such as time on the mat, accumulated technical skills, constancy in training, behavior, and competition performance.

I hope you found this article helpful in learning about Brazilian jiu-jitsu stripes levels. Have a great training session!

Related: Discover the significance of stripes on a white belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, the sequence for earning them, and what each stripe symbolizes. Click here for more information!

Frequently Asked Questions

When Will I Get My First White Belt Stripe?

Earning the first stripe on your white belt can take about three to six months. However, the time it takes to reach your first stripe in jiu-jitsu can vary significantly between individuals and academies.

How Many BJJ Classes Do I Need to Take to Get My First BJJ Stripe?

A committed BJJ practitioner who trains three to four times a week will need between 50 and 96 BJJ lessons to get his first stripe.

But, the number of Brazilian jiu-jitsu classes for the first stripe may vary greatly depending on several factors, including your BJJ instructor criteria, frequency of training, ability to learn and retain new techniques, etc.

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