Gordon Ryan Vs Felipe Pena 2024 ADCC Superfight

On August 17, 2024, the grappling world will focus on one of the most anticipated matches at the ADCC World Championships: the super fight between Gordon Ryan and Felipe Pena.

These two athletes have faced off several times, with each encounter adding more intensity to their rivalry.

This article explores their past battles, their unique grappling styles, and what fans can expect from their latest showdown.

Gordon Pena 2024 ADCC Superfight: Profiles of the Contenders

Gordon Ryan

Gordon Ryan is a name that resonates across the grappling community.

Known for his analytical approach and psychological warfare, Ryan has dominated numerous competitions.

Despite battling a chronic stomach condition that sidelined him intermittently, his return to form has been highly anticipated.

His technique is meticulous, focusing on control and submission from any position.

Felipe Pena

Felipe Pena, often referred to by his nickname “Preguiça,” is one of the few grapplers with multiple victories over Ryan.

Pena’s style contrasts Ryan’s, emphasizing dynamic movements and a robust defensive game.

His resilience and ability to adapt during matches have earned him respect and a loyal following in the BJJ community.

Gordon Ryan Vs. Felipe Pena Rivalry

The rivalry began in 2016 when Pena defeated Ryan in a marathon match at Studio 540.

They clashed again at the ADCC 2017, where Pena won again, establishing himself as a significant challenge to Ryan.

Their third encounter in 2022 saw Ryan finally secure a victory, albeit under circumstances shadowed by Pena’s loss earlier that day.

Each match has been a learning experience, significantly impacting their training and competitive strategies.

Gordon Ryan Vs. Felipe Pena 2024 ADCC Superfight: Strategic Analysis

The clash of styles between Ryan and Pena is a classic grappler’s chess match.

Ryan’s systematic approach will likely focus on setting traps and controlling the pace, using his superior positioning to force Pena into mistakes.

On the other hand, Pena will need to utilize his agility and explosive power to disrupt Ryan’s setups, possibly looking to capitalize on quick transitions and his formidable guard game.

The match will hinge on who can impose their game plan more effectively under the pressure of high expectations.

What’s at Stake?

This match isn’t just about another victory—it’s about legacy.

A win would solidify Ryan’s claim as one of the greatest in the sport, overcoming a rival who has handed him significant defeats.

For Pena, another win over Ryan would affirm his psychological edge and tactical superiority in this matchup.

Beyond personal achievements, this fight will likely influence their standing and opportunities in the grappling community for years.

Felipe Pena Vs. Gordon Ryan ADCC 2024 Superfight: Fan and Expert Opinions!

Experts are divided on predicting a winner, given the history and skills both athletes bring to the mat.

Fans eagerly debate outcomes, with social media buzzing with predictions and support for both grapplers.

Interviews with other top-level competitors suggest that the match could go either way, emphasizing the high skill level and mental toughness required to win at this level.


The super fight between Gordon Ryan and Felipe Pena at ADCC 2024 is more than just a match; it’s a culmination of years of rivalry, growth, and the quest for grappling supremacy.

As the date approaches, all eyes will be on these two titans of the sport, eager to see how this chapter of their storied rivalry unfolds.

Don’t miss out on this epic clash, and join the online conversation to share your thoughts and predictions. Who do you think will emerge victorious? Let us know on social media!

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