Core Exercises for Jiu-Jitsu: Build Stability, Balance, and Power

You already understand the need of your core if you have been practicing Brazilian jiu-jitsu for some time.

Your core muscles are functioning nonstop whether you are shrimping from the mount, playing a guard, or struggling for submission.

Though it’s a great bonus, a strong core is about building stability, balance, and control so you can move better on the mats and prevent injury. Not only about gaining six-pack abs.

Maintaining good posture, producing force, and controlling your opponent all depend on your core—the center of what you do in jiu-jitsu.

Thus, if you really want to improve your BJJ game, give core strength top attention.

To lay that strong basis, here is a selection of some of the finest core workouts available.

Track Progress, Set Goals, and Master Techniques to Elevate Your BJJ Game.

Why Core Exercises Are Essential for Jiu-Jitsu?

Whether your goal is guard, control your opponent from top position, or scramble out of a terrible location, your core is continuously active in BJJ.

The balance and stability core strength provides will help you to execute all those motions more precisely.

A strong core also enables you to explode into transitions or submissions and helps guard your lower back from damage.

Core Exercises for Jiu-Jitsu

Let’s dissect some of the best core workouts to help you develop stability, balance, and strength for jiu-jitsu.

These drills will help you move better in every roll, regardless of your level of experience with grappling. They will also get your core firing.

1. Jumping Jacks

One excellent approach to warm up and engage your core muscles is with jumping jacks.

Working your core, shoulders, and legs, this exercise raises your heart rate and prepares you for a demanding BJJ practice.

How to accomplish this?

  • Beginning with your feet together, stretch arms at your sides.
  • Rising your arms high, hop your feet out to the sides, then back to the starting point.
  • Spend thirty seconds to one minute repeating.

2. Burpees

A full-body exercise, burpees will test your core, arms, and legs and increase your cardio.

Both explosive strength and conditioning—two very vital skills for grappling—are developed by this great workout.

How should one go about this?

  • Start upright then drop into a squat and lay your hands on the ground.
  • Perform a push-up, kick your feet back into a plank posture, then leap your feet back into your hands.
  • Repeat jumping explosively with your arms up high.

3. Bridge

Perfect for BJJ, the bridge is a classic core exercise since it replics the hip escape motion you apply on the mats.

Important for escape unfavorable situations and producing force, it works your glues, lower back, and abs.

How should I accomplish this?

  • Lie on your back feet flat on the floor and knees bent.
  • Squeezing your glues at the top, push through your heels to raise your hips off the ground.
  • Hold for a second, then repeat lowering back down.

4. Mount Climbing

A dynamic core exercise, mountain climbing increases abdominal, shoulder, and leg strength and endurance.

Maintaining a strong core, they also help you become adapted to moving and increase your cardio.

How one should accomplish it:

  • Starting in a plank position, straight line your body with your hands beneath your shoulders.
  • As if you were jogging in place, bring one knee toward your chest then rapidly change legs.
  • Throughout the movement keep your hips down and your core taut.

5. Single-leg jumps

Excellent for developing balance, stability, and leg strength are single-leg jumps.

They will increase your post ability and explosive power from the bottom or quick transition speed in scrambles.

How should one go about this?

  • Rising on one leg, leap forward, backwards, or to the side.
  • To stay balanced, concentrate on landing softly and keeping your core active.
  • After every set, alternately walk.

6. Reverse Crunch

Targeting the lower abs, the reverse crunch helps you to stabilize your core during BJJ.

Since it’s also simpler on your lower back than conventional crunches, this is a safer choice for developing core strength.

How one should accomplish this:

  • Lay on your back feet off the ground and knees bent.
  • Straightening your knees toward your chest, raise your hips off the floor.
  • Down slowly, then repeat with lower back.

7. Bird Dog crunch

Excellent for enhancing core stability and coordination is the bird dog crunch.

Key for maintaining control during scrambles, it develops your abdominal, lower back, and glutes as well as your balance.

How should one go about this?

  • Starting on your hands and knees, assume a tabletop posture.
  • Straight out one arm and the opposite leg; then, pull them back in toward your body and touch your elbow to your knee.
  • After every repetitive side-switching.

8. Bicycle Crunch

Especially your oblues, which are crucial for twisting motions in BJJ like shrimping or guard recovery, bicycle crunches train your whole core.

This workout helps your torso’s coordination and control as well.

How should one go about this?

  • Lie back with your hands behind your head and legs elevated.
  • Twisting your opposing elbow toward your chest, bring one knee toward it.
  • Start cycling on one side and keep for thirty to sixty seconds switching sides.

9. V-Up Stability Ball

Targeting your whole core, the stability ball V-up is a difficult workout improving balance and coordination. All of which are really vital in BJJ, it’s fantastic for strengthening your hips flexors, lower back, and abs.

How should one go about this?

Backward lying, grip a stability ball between your feet.

Passing the ball from your feet to your hands, simultaneously raise your legs and torso.

Downward, repeat passing the ball back and forth between your hands and feet.

10. Lateral V-up

Like rotating out of submissions or recovering from guard passes, lateral V-ups work your obliques and core stability.

Thereby building the strength required for twisting motions in jiu-jitsu.

How should one go about this?

  • Lay on your side, one arm raised above your head.
  • Rising your legs and torso toward one another, your body will form a V-shape.
  • After each set, change sides.


In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, success depends on a strong core.

These drills will increase your general control, balance, and stability, therefore enhancing your efficiency and power as a grappler.

Whether you’re retaining top position or shingling out of side control, your core keeps you powerful and solid.

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