Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Youth Belts (A Closer Look)

Youth belts in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu serve as a recognition of a practitioner’s progress and skill level. They are awarded to young practitioners as they advance through the ranks, starting from the white belt and progressing to gray, yellow, orange, and green. Each belt represents a different skill level and knowledge of the art.

Youth belts not only provide a sense of accomplishment and motivation for junior practitioners but also act as a means to track their progress and set goals for improvement. They signify the dedication, discipline, and hard work that practitioners invest in mastering the techniques of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

In the following sections, we will delve into the different BJJ youth belts, their requirements, and the benefits they bring to young practitioners. If your child is already involved in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu or you are considering enrolling them in this martial art, understanding the significance of youth belts will help you appreciate the journey they embark on and the skills they develop.

BJJ Youth Belts in Order

The Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu belt system is a well-established way of recognizing and promoting progress in the martial art. It consists of different colored belts that represent various levels of skill and knowledge.

The BJJ belt system for youth follows the same principles as that for adults but is customized to suit the unique requirements of young practitioners. It provides structure, motivation, and a clear path to advancement, allowing young BJJ enthusiasts to develop their skills in a systematic and rewarding manner.

Here are the various BJJ junior belts with their meanings:

White Belt

The white belt is the first rank in the youth Brazilian jiu-jitsu ranking system. This is the starting point for all BJJ students, indicating a beginner’s level of expertise and ability.

It symbolizes a blank canvas where the fundamental principles of BJJ will be established. This rank for children in BJJ serves as a reminder of the humility and eagerness required to gain knowledge and progress in the art.

Gray Belt

The gray belt ranks second in the youth Brazilian jiu-jitsu ranking system. It is a significant milestone in BJJ, representing progress beyond the initial learning stages.

Otherwise, the gray belt signifies a deeper understanding of fundamental techniques and principles, serving as a bridge between beginner and intermediate levels. This motivates young practitioners to establish a strong foundation in the sport, ensuring they continue to grow and develop their skills.

Yellow Belt

The yellow belt ranks third in the kid Brazilian jiu-jitsu ranking system. Reaching the level of a yellow belt represents a higher level of competence and knowledge in martial arts.

It indicates proficiency in basic techniques and the ability to execute them accurately. This accomplishment motivates young learners to continue refining their skills and knowledge as they delve into more advanced concepts and strategies.

Orange Belt

The orange belt ranks fourth in the kid BJJ ranking system. Reaching the orange belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu signifies a higher skill level and marks a significant step towards mastery.

Those who hold this rank exhibit a deeper understanding of advanced techniques, transitions, and submissions. The orange belt is a constant reminder to strive for continuous improvement and refinement.

Green Belt

The green belt is the fifth rank in the youth BJJ ranking system. It is a symbol of superior proficiency and expertise in BJJ. Otherwise, the green belt signifies a profound comprehension of intricate techniques, positions, and strategies.

For young practitioners, achieving a green belt represents the dedication and hard work required to excel in this art. It serves as a constant reminder to stay persistent in the pursuit of excellence.

Related: This article delves into the Brazilian jiu-jitsu belt ranking system. It emphasizes the meaning of the belts and the progression timeline to help you have the best training experience possible. Learn More Right Now!

Junior Belt Colors and Ranks in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu

The Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for juniors follows a specific progression of belt colors, each representing an increasing proficiency level. The colors in this system are usually white, grey, yellow, orange, and green, with a total of 13 belt rank levels.

  1. White Belt
  2. White Striped Gray Belt
  3. Solid Gray Belt
  4. Black Striped Gray Belt
  5. Yellow Belt with White Stripe
  6. Solid Yellow Belt
  7. Yellow Belt with Black Stripe
  8. White Striped Orange Belt
  9. Solid Orange Belt
  10. Orange Belt with Black Stripe
  11. Green Belt with White Stripe
  12. Green Belt
  13. Green Belt with Black Stripes

The journey starts with the white belt, which represents a beginner level. Young practitioners work through the ranks by mastering techniques, principles, and skills associated with each belt color.

To progress from one belt color to the next, youth practitioners must meet specific requirements determined by their instructors and the belt system guidelines. These requirements typically include a combination of technical proficiency, understanding of critical concepts, physical aptitude, and consistent attendance and participation in classes.

Related: A Jiu Jitsu Belt Display is a decorative item that serves as a visual representation of a practitioner’s progression and achievements. Click here to learn about the best jiu-jitsu belt display to show your progress!


The Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu youth belt system is highly advantageous for young practitioners, offering a structured approach, motivation, and a clear path for progress in martial arts.

The belt system provides a detailed roadmap for young students to follow, with each belt representing a specific level of skill and knowledge. This not only helps students track their progress but also gives them a sense of direction and purpose in their training.

Apart from providing structure, the belt system also serves as a source of motivation for young practitioners. As they strive to earn the next belt, students are motivated to set goals, push themselves, and work towards improving their skills. The sense of achievement and progress they experience can boost their self-esteem and confidence, both on and off the mat.

Recommended: This article delves into the best BJJ belts on the market. It will help you select the most pleasing belt for Brazilian jiu-jitsu to roll comfortably. Discover More Immediately!

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