BJJ Belts How Long? Navigating the Belt Progression Timeline

BJJ Belts How Long? Earning each belt in BJJ typically takes around two years of training. Unlike other martial arts, students of Brazilian jiu-jitsu must demonstrate a certain level of skill and knowledge to reach a new rank.

As we progress through this post, we’ll discuss how long it takes you to get each BJJ belt from white to red, according to our experience. Stay tuned!

How Long Does It Take to Earn Belts in Jiu-Jitsu?

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a popular martial art that uses a belt system to indicate a student’s skill level.

These belts range from white and blue to purple, brown, and black, with the highest levels being coral and red belts.

It typically takes two years of training to earn each belt, and students must demonstrate a certain level of knowledge to advance.

Here’s the average timeline for progressing through the belts.

BJJ Belt Belts’ Average Promotion Timeline
White Belt
Blue Belt 2 years
Purple belt 5 – 6 years
Brown Belt 6 – 7 years
Black Belt 7 – 10 years
Red/black belt +35 years
Red/white belt +42 years
Red belt +52 years

N.B: The above promotion timeline shows the average years to get a BJJ belt. However, it may differ from student to student based on various factors, such as their martial arts experience.

Related: A Jiu-Jitsu Belt Display is a decorative item that visually represents a practitioner’s progression and achievements. Learn more!

BJJ White Belt How Long?

The white belt is the first rank in Brazilian jiu-jitsu. It is awarded to those who step on the mat for the first time.

As a white belt, it is crucial to understand the fundamentals of this martial art.

This includes learning various jiu-jitsu movements and techniques to improve your overall performance.

The time you spend learning and practicing these skills will determine whether you advance to the next level, the blue belt.

BJJ Blue Belt How Long?

bjj blue belt in 6 months

Moving from white belt to blue belt in jiu-jitsu typically takes two years of dedicated training.

The Blue belt represents a practitioner who has trained in BJJ for at least two years and understands the significant ground stances and fundamental techniques.

They possess an excellent jiu-jitsu game and continue to improve by incorporating more advanced techniques into their practice.

To advance to the next rank level, the purple belt and blue belt practitioners must master advanced BJJ positions.

Purple Belt in BJJ, How Long?

what rank is a purple belt in jiu jitsu

A purple belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu typically requires six years of training, but this varies between schools.

This is the third colored belt, representing a stage of deep refinement in technique.

Purple belts can teach lower-ranked practitioners and must build strong relationships with their teammates.

BJJ Brown Belt How Long?

what rank is brown belt in jiu jitsu

Earning a BJJ brown belt typically takes seven to eight years of consistent practice.

However, a dedicated practitioner may be able to achieve the brown belt in less than six years.

The brown belt is the fourth colored belt in the BJJ ranking system, following the black belt in the hierarchy. Students with this rank continue to improve their techniques and add to their competition repertoire.

Black Belt BJJ, How Long?

how many degrees of black belt are there in jiu jitsu

Achieving a black belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu can take up to ten years of training. For many practitioners, the black belt level is the official start of their jiu-jitsu journey.

The black belt is the fifth colored belt in BJJ and comes after the brown belt but before the coral and red belts.

Due to its significance, it is the most sought-after rank in BJJ and other martial arts disciplines. As a black belt, you can earn up to ten degrees after years of practice.

Getting a Red/Black Coral Belt

The red and black coral belt is a 7th-degree black belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu. This belt rank can take up to +35 years of BJJ coaching and practice.

The IBJJF, on the other hand, requires red and black belts to be at their present level for at least seven years before moving up to the next rank.

Obtaining a Red/White Coral Belt

The red and white coral belt is an 8th-degree black belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu. This belt rank can take up to +42 years of BJJ coaching and practice. 

Furthermore, the International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation requires red and white belts to have spent at least ten years at this level before being eligible for advancement to the following rank (red belt).

Achieving the Red Belt in BJJ

Red Belts BJJ all that you need to know

Getting a red belt can take up to +52 years of BJJ practice. It is the highest belt rank in Brazilian jiu-jitsu and denotes a Grand Master with the 9th or 10th-degree black belt in martial arts.

Related: Does Japanese Jiu-Jitsu Have Belts? (A Closer Look)

Why Do BJJ Belts Take So Long?

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu’s belt-earning process is more complex and time-consuming than other martial arts.

This is due to the intricate and multifaceted techniques that require practical application, skill refinement, mental and emotional resilience, consistent training, and rigorous testing and evaluation.

Instructors carefully assess each student’s qualifications before considering them for a belt promotion, ensuring they meet the high standards the Jiu-Jitsu community sets.

Final Thoughts

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a compelling grappling martial art focusing on ground fighting. It awards practitioners colored belts to represent their degrees of expertise.

You can advance in BJJ rank by consistently training within two years. Otherwise, you can add new belt stripes after three to six months of consistent time commitment to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

Related: Discover the most economical and low-cost Jiu-Jitsu gis for budget-conscious practitioners. Whether you’re just starting or have been training for a while, this article will help you pick a comfortable, durable, and superb cheap GI.

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