8 Essential Kettlebell Workouts You Need to Try!

Hey there, BJJ crew! Want to kick your physical training up a notch? Well, kettlebell workouts are your new best friend.

Brazilian jiu-jitsu isn’t just a sport; it’s a full-on lifestyle that tests your limits both physically and mentally.

That’s why it’s crucial to have a workout routine that builds strength, endurance, and killer core stability.

Essential Kettlebell Exercises for BJJ

Kettlebells aren’t just about bulking up. They’re perfect for boosting your grappling game.

They ramp up your strength, muscle power, stamina, and yes, even your mobility.

Plus, you can swing these bad boys around at home or wherever you find some space.

Ready to see some real improvement in your BJJ skills? Dive into these exercises and watch yourself grow into a powerhouse.

Kettlebell Swings

Why They’re Awesome! Kettlebell swings are like the secret sauce for core stability and mobility.

They’re also amazing for conditioning and beefing up your strength.

Core Benefits: Tighten up your glutes, hamstrings, shoulders, and lats. Hello, powerhouse body!

BJJ Boosts: Enhance your cardio, get more explosive, flexible, and balanced, while upping your strength and stamina.

Swings vs. Other Exercises:

  • Dumbbell Swings: Similar gains, focusing on hip strength and explosive power.
  • Deadlifts: Deadlifts pack a punch with overall force, while swings amp up your cardio and explosiveness.
  • Squats: While squats are great for max strength, swings focus more on power generation and fitness.

Learn the Moves: Check out Zack Henderson’s video tutorial to master your swing technique for a power-up in your BJJ performance. Have fun with it!

Source: Zack Henderson

Kettlebell Deadlift

Power Lift! This is a go-to for solid core strength.

It’s a fantastic all-around conditioner and strength developer.

Muscle Work: Targets your glutes, hamstrings, quads, and more.

Top Perks: Boosts hip function, eases lower back pain, and beefs up your core.

Variety Spice: Mix it up with double kettlebell deadlifts, sumo, Romanian, and single-leg versions to keep your workouts fresh.

Kettlebell vs. Barbell: Barbell lifts allow you to hoist more weight, but kettlebell deadlifts are perfect for building core stability or bouncing back from injuries.

Step-by-Step Guide: Zack Henderson is back at it in another video, teaching you the ropes of kettlebell deadlifts to boost your BJJ power.

Source: Zack Henderson

Kettlebell Squats

Squat Goals: Essential for building strength and power, kettlebell squats should be a staple in your training.

Core Focus: Primarily pumps up your quads and glutes.

Health Kicks: Boosts metabolism and calorie burning while building core stability, mobility, and strength.

Variations: Keep things interesting with goblet squats, racked, overhead, and crush grip squats.

How-To: Jump into Colossus Fitness’s tutorial for the perfect kettlebell goblet squat to level up your BJJ game.

Source: Colossus Fitness

Kettlebell Turkish Get-Up

Total Body Boost! This challenging exercise lifts a kettlebell from the floor to standing, hitting nearly every muscle group.

Benefits: Great for posture, upper body strength, core stability, mobility, and BJJ flexibility.

Variations: Try side-lying get-ups, overhead squat get-ups, and no-hands versions for a dynamic workout.

Tutorial Time: Eric Leija breaks down the Turkish get-up step-by-step, offering tips to avoid common mistakes.

Source: Eric Leija 

Kettlebell Rows

Row Your Way to Strength! Fantastic for a full-body workout, focusing on your glutes, back, hamstrings, and shoulders.

Advantages: Strengthens your core and enhances overall health and fitness.

Variations: Explore double/single bent-over rows, gorilla rows, and suitcase rows for diverse challenges.

How-To: Greg Brookes guides you through kettlebell rows, ensuring you power up effectively for BJJ.

Source: Greg Brookes

Kettlebell Press

Press to Impress:
Ideal for beefing up your deltoids, upper pecs, and triceps.

Perks: Increases overhead strength and conditioning, boosting explosiveness and core stability.

Variations: Military press, push press, jerk, and bent press are all excellent choices.

Tutorial: Mark Wildman shows you how to nail the kettlebell press, enhancing your BJJ prowess.

Source: Mark Wildman

Kettlebell Snatch

High-Intensity Power! A top-tier exercise for those looking to supercharge performance with a focus on lower and upper body muscles.

Benefits: Improves conditioning, explosiveness, core stability, and coordination.

Variations: Dead snatch and hardstyle are two dynamic options to incorporate.

Watch and Learn: Zack Henderson returns to demonstrate the hardstyle kettlebell snatch, spicing up your workout routine.

Source: Zack Henderson

Kettlebell Clean

Lift and Conquer! Elevates the kettlebell in one smooth motion, building strength and conditioning.

Muscle Mastery: Works on quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and deltoids, perfect for grapplers looking to enhance grip strength.

Variations: Try dead cleans, swing cleans, single-leg cleans, and double kettlebell cleans for a varied routine.

Tutorial: Eric Leija’s video will show you how to perfect the kettlebell clean, boosting your competitive edge.

Source: Eric Leija

Related: Prove your mastery of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu with our Ultimate Quiz! Test your knowledge of techniques, famous fighters, and more. Start the challenge now!


Kettlebells are your gateway to advancing in BJJ, offering a range of exercises like deadlifts, squats, get-ups, swings, snatches, and cleans.

Dive into these workouts and elevate your jiu-jitsu to championship levels.

Remember, the best technique is the one you keep practicing. Let’s hit those mats and swing our way to victory!

Elevate your #BJJ game with #Kettlebells! Master control and power with every swing, lift, and snatch. Propel yourself to mat excellence. 💪🔥 #jiujitsu #MartialArts #FitnessMotivation
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