How to Break a Closed Guard? (Helpful Tips and Tricks)

For many Brazilian jiu-jitsu practitioners, passing or breaking the closed guard can be a difficult task. However, it is not impossible; it simply necessitates a greater understanding of the fundamental concepts of jiu-jitsu. Otherwise, learning how to open a closed guard will take a significant amount of time and effort.

The closed guard is one of the more difficult guards in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu to execute correctly and efficiently. As a result, many practitioners are more hesitant. They have experienced significant difficulties when faced with this type of BJJ position.

Never fear; today is your lucky day, and you will learn practical techniques for breaking through, opening, or escaping someone’s closed guard.

How to Break the Closed Guard In BJJ?

In this video above, Andre Galvao demonstrates some effective techniques for breaking down and opening someone’s closed guard. Source: Bernardo Faria BJJ Fanatics

Wait! The following are some additional fascinating facts about the full guard that you should know. Therefore, I’ll go for some basic gaurs passing and escaping techniques, etc. Keep an eye out for more information!

What Exactly Does Closed Guard Mean In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu?

The closed guard, also known as the full guard, is one of the most fundamental positions in Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Indeed, the person who controls your waist with both legs has effectively trapped you in his closed guard.

Why Do Players Struggle at the BJJ Closed Guard?

The closed guard is a good position for the person who is at the bottom position. Since the bottom player can control and attack his opponent, he is the favorite player in this position.

In addition, if necessary, the bottom player can use other hybrid guards, such as the rubber guardhalf guard, and so on. In contrast, unless the top player can break the closed guard, he has few options.

Furthermore, in mixed martial arts, the closed guard is still helpful for bottom attacks and sweeps. However, the top fighter’s elbow strike and other striking techniques can seriously injure the bottom opponent.

Related: Whether a novice or a seasoned practitioner, learning several types of guards is essential for pushing your BJJ game to the next level. I wrote an article offering a comprehensive list of jiu-jitsu guards that any practitioner should know. Click here to read more!

How Do You Build an Effective BJJ Closed Guard?

The bottom player needs to keep his legs closed, but this is not always easy. As a result, he must be proactive by establishing good legs and hand placements that will assist him in limiting his opponent’s movement and breaking any attacks.

It’s also a good idea to put pressure on your opponent and make him uncomfortable. Another factor to consider when constructing a challenging and effective closed guard is how well the hips are utilized.

The strength of your hips is often underestimated when fighting from the bottom closed guard position in a fight. However, your hips must be solid and functional when it comes to improving and raising your level of jiu-jitsu.

Using your hips effectively will make your movements in any position more straightforward and your defense more impenetrable to attacks.

Recommended:  This comprehensive article will teach you everything you need to know about the closed guard in BJJ. It explains the full guard posture and some effective attacks and sweeps to help defeat your many opponents.

What Are the Most Effective Closed Guard Passing Techniques?

There are several techniques for getting past someone’s closed guard, and the most effective are the stack pass, pressure pass, and standing pass.

Otherwise, the process of opening and passing a closed guard is among the most challenging aspects of all of Brazilian jiu-jitsu.

However, it is worthwhile up to this point because, once you open and pass the closed guard, you will be rewarded.

Thus, the guard passing will allow you to leverage your abilities toward submission, or at the very least, you will score three points.

Consequently, you will benefit from the guard passing since it will help you leverage your strengths toward submission, or at the very least, you will score three points.

Related: Best BJJ Guard Passes (Amazing List with Videos)

What Are the Dumbest Mistakes That Top Closed Guard Players Make?

In the first stages of your training in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, the closed guard is most likely one of the first positions you will learn to use.

Like with any other type of guard position skill, a great amount of study and practice is required before a person can become proficient.

As a result, even the most experienced fighters make a slew of mistakes during this procedure.

Listed below are some of the faults you should avoid when playing from the top of the closed guard position.

Staying Long at the Top Closed Guard Position

Finding the most fantastic guard passing techniques should not take a long time because doing so might lead to hesitation and doubt on your part. But, on the other hand, doing so can enable the bottom player to remain calm and relaxed.

As a result, you should examine your opponent’s grips before determining the best pass to use. For example, if the standing guard pass is your preferred option, go ahead and get it without hesitation.

Ineffective Hands Positioning

When practicing Brazilian jiu-jitsu, improper hand placement can create a great deal of difficulty. As a result, you’ll be easily submitted by triangle chokes, armbars, kimuras, and a variety of other submissions.

Ineffective Pressure

In jiu-jitsu, you can utilize pressure to pass someone’s closed guard (beginner or even advanced practitioner). But, too much pressure can be used against you.

Inadequate weight pressure management will give your opponent effortless sweeps or submissions. So, it would be best if you first tried to figure out what your opponent is trying to accomplish before applying force and pressure.

Trying Submission When You’re in Someone’s Closed Guard

There is no shame associated with attempting a submission from a top closed guard.

But you must be extremely precise within his moves, for the simple reason that the person at the bottom has every advantage in his current position.

As a result, he may quickly look for trianglesarmbarscollar chokes, or kimura, among other options.

Unbalance Base and Bad Posture

Base and posture are two of the most important aspects of Brazilian jiu-jitsu that you should consider if you want to take your game to the next level.

It is critical to maintaining a good posture and base when playing the closed guard or any other position in BJJ martial arts, regardless of your opponent’s position.

Otherwise, the majority of guard passes and guard submissions are built on this foundation, which is why it is so critical to have a solid foundation.

As a result, by establishing a solid base and posture, you can make it difficult for your opponent to obtain a sweep or submission.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu guards, the closed guard is considered one of the most difficult to learn and master. Indeed, a significant number of grapplers reported having significant difficulties breaking through this type of BJJ defense.

Wherever you find yourself wrapped up in someone’s closed guard, your primary objective is to open this guard to move forward with your game plan. Indeed, achieving this goal will give you the chance to opt for position transitions and submissions.

Keep in mind that a closed guard gives the bottom player more options when hunting sweeps or submitting. The top player, on the other hand, has limited choices.

Additionally, avoid making the guard pass mistakes discussed above to be more efficient while playing from the top closed guard position.

Is there anything about passing a closed guard that should be included on this page that we’ve missed?

Please let us know in the comments section below: What is your favorite guard passing technique? And why?

Related: Whether a beginner or a seasoned practitioner, knowing how to attack and defend from various jiu-jitsu positions is essential for taking your BJJ game to the next level. I wrote an article that comprehensively lists the fundamental BJJ positions you should know. Click here to learn more!

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